New Perspectives in Healthcare Ethics: An Interdisciplinary and Crosscultural Approach
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Topics of relevance to allied health professionals-Among these issues and topics are complementary and alternative medicine; contraception and sterilization; infertility and assisted reproduction; and surrogate motherhood; genetic testing (screening and counseling); genetic therapy; biomedical and behavioral research; and euthanasia and assisted suicide.
The book concludes with an examination of the current state of health care reform.
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Tong, a well-known biomedical ethicist, combines medical ethics, bioethics, and her own unique insights to provide a comprehensive survey of contemporary health care ethics issues. KEY TOPICS: Among the topics discussed in this book are complementary and alternative medicine; contraception and sterilization; infertility and assisted reproduction; and surrogate motherhood; genetic testing (screening and counseling); genetic therapy; biomedical and behavioral research; and euthanasia and assisted suicide. MARKET: A useful reference work for those in the health care industry.