Psychosocial Aspects of Health Care, 3rd edition


For all courses that address psychosocial aspects of illness and disability, including courses in the social psychology of disability and rehabilitation, chronic illness, and rehabilitation psychology; and courses covering communication, relationships, characteristics of illness and disability, adaptation to impairment and disability, client behavior, grieving, stress and support, and attitudinal and cultural differences.

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This timely text offers comprehensive, integrated coverage of psychosocial topics involving clients, families, and other caregivers affected by pathology, impairment, functional limitation, and/or disability. To engage readers and promote insight, PSYCHOSOCIAL ASPECTS OF HEALTHCARE, 3/e relies on real-life student journal entries from multiple disciplines. A current, evidence-based, extensive literature review forms the core of the text, connecting theory to practice. KEY FEATURES: Reflective Questions and Case Studies after each chapter stimulate awareness and promote dialogue; relevant clinical examples and tables are presented throughout. This edition’s updates include broader coverage of multicultural issues, spirituality, and chronic conditions; a new chapter on abuse and neglect; thorough coverage of PTSD; improved organization; and a new Online Manual containing extensive readings and resources.